March Manufacturing News

East Bay EDA is pleased to share some useful news and resources for Bay Area manufacturers. Please contact us if you have a resource you would like to share. Submit your items directly to

Resilient East Bay Spotlight on Pittsburg, California 

The future is exciting and full of possibilities in Pittsburg. Yes, that is Pittsburg without the ‘h’ at the end. Just like Pittsburgh over in the east, this East Bay community has been long known for its industrial heritage of steel making with the USS/POSCO site and chemical production of the Dow Chemical Company, now Corteva. Times have changed though, and Pittsburg is in a state of industry transition. Read on the Resilient East Bay blog.

Manufacturing News & Resources

Alameda County’s Annual Fair Chance Job and Resource Fair (April 25, 2024). If you’re an employer seeking entry-level workers, sign up to exhibit at Alameda County’s largest job fair.

CMTC Launches New Digital Manufacturing Marketplace: California’s Sourcing & Procurement Platform (CSPP). CMTC’s CSPP allows you to connect & collaborate, showcase your business, and explore unlimited opportunities for free. There is no cost to join the other 25,000+ community members — get started today!

SJSU Industrial Assessment Center provides free energy assessments for manufacturers The Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) at San José State University serves manufacturing businesses in California located in Central and Northern California to help reduce their energy cost and carbon footprint. The on-site technical assessment is conducted by a team of SJSU faculty and students at no cost to the client. Learn more.

Funding Opportunities

California Competes Tax Credits – GO-Biz is now accepting applications for the California Competes Tax Credit (CCTC). Eligible businesses must be expanding and adding quality, full-time jobs in California that might not otherwise be created by the business or any other business. Applications close 3/18. 

Waste Prevention – Stopwaste is accepting applications for projects that focus on waste prevention, reuse, and recovery of food, goods and materials as well as development of marketing, and products made with recovered materials. Restricted to Alameda County. Applications close 3/14.

Emissions Reduction – The Bay Area Air Quality District’s Carl Moyer Program is offering incentive grants to eligible businesses that are seeking upgrades or replacement of off-road equipment. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Email Itsel Guzman, Staff Specialist, for preliminary analysis on eligibility.

Export Promotion – The State’s Export Voucher Program allows eligible small businesses to propose their own export promotion activities and receive reimbursement for up to 75% of pre-approved expenses, with a maximum reimbursement amount of $10,000 each federal fiscal year. Learn more.

Upcoming Events

The Resilient East Bay website is a source for upcoming events in the East Bay and throughout the Bay Area. We feature events from our resource partners, including AMBayArea, CMTC, Manex, The Manufacturing Institute, SFMade, and our East Bay cities and communities. Please contact us if you have a manufacturing event you would like to feature.


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