Latest News
Biomedical Innovation Thrives at Penumbra in Alameda
On January 19, East Bay EDA kicked off the year by hosting a private tour for members and partners at Penumbra, headquartered on Bay Farm Island in the City of Alameda. Penumbra is a global healthcare company that designs, develops,
February Manufacturing News
East Bay EDA is pleased to share some useful news and resources for Bay Area manufacturers. Please contact us if you have a resource you would like to share. Submit your items directly to 2024 California Employment Law Webinar
City of Oakley Emerges as a Hub for Commerce, Entrepreneurship, and Transportation
Nestled beyond the vast expanse of the San Francisco Bay, the City of Oakley’s rich history traces back to its days as a thriving railroad community on the Santa Fe railroad line and proudly stood as San Francisco’s eastern cropland
Waste Prevention Grants Available for Alameda County Businesses
StopWaste is offering $1.1 million in grant opportunities to nonprofits, businesses, and institutions with projects aimed at increasing individual, business, and community involvement in the prevention of waste in Alameda County. Funding priorities are related to projects that focus on waste prevention,
January Manufacturing News
Happy New Year! East Bay EDA is pleased to kick off calendar year 2024 and share some exciting news and resources for Bay Area manufacturers. We encourage you to submit events, industry innovations, legislative and policy activities, and other information
December Manufacturing News
East Bay EDA’s monthly Manufacturing Newsletter provides news and information for manufacturers in our region. We encourage you to submit events, industry innovations, legislative and policy activities, and other information that may be useful to you and your peers! Submit
Biomedical Innovation Thrives at Penumbra in Alameda
On January 19, East Bay EDA kicked off the year by hosting a private tour for members and partners at Penumbra, headquartered on Bay Farm Island in the City of Alameda. Penumbra is a global healthcare company that designs, develops, and manufactures devices for interventional therapies to treat vascular conditions
February Manufacturing News
East Bay EDA is pleased to share some useful news and resources for Bay Area manufacturers. Please contact us if you have a resource you would like to share. Submit your items directly to 2024 California Employment Law Webinar – February 6, 2024 @ 11 AM Each new calendar
City of Oakley Emerges as a Hub for Commerce, Entrepreneurship, and Transportation
Nestled beyond the vast expanse of the San Francisco Bay, the City of Oakley’s rich history traces back to its days as a thriving railroad community on the Santa Fe railroad line and proudly stood as San Francisco’s eastern cropland and orchards in the 1960s. Established on July 1, 1999,
Waste Prevention Grants Available for Alameda County Businesses
StopWaste is offering $1.1 million in grant opportunities to nonprofits, businesses, and institutions with projects aimed at increasing individual, business, and community involvement in the prevention of waste in Alameda County. Funding priorities are related to projects that focus on waste prevention, reuse, and recovery of food, goods and materials as well
January Manufacturing News
Happy New Year! East Bay EDA is pleased to kick off calendar year 2024 and share some exciting news and resources for Bay Area manufacturers. We encourage you to submit events, industry innovations, legislative and policy activities, and other information that may be useful to you and your peers! Submit
December Manufacturing News
East Bay EDA’s monthly Manufacturing Newsletter provides news and information for manufacturers in our region. We encourage you to submit events, industry innovations, legislative and policy activities, and other information that may be useful to you and your peers! Submit your items directly to Call for Speakers | AMBayArea